Now it is time to set properties or meta tags for the file(s) that will get digitally signed.
- Enter author/creator name, if you wish to set this as property of the file that will create after being digitally signed.
- Enter author/creator title, if you wish to set this as property of the file that will create after being digitally signed. Title could be that person's designation.
- Enter some keywords / tags, if you wish you set as file property. For example - document verified, verified by CEO, and reviewd by director etc.
- Enter subject, for example - Policy document for workers and Agreement document for ABC Co. etc.
- Enter document creator's name, if you wish to set it as file property.
- Enter the name of the person who produced this document.
- Choose "Default" if you do not want to set other custom options for file e.g. reason, location etc. else choose "Custom ".
- If you chosen "Custom" then please select "Reason For Signing ".
- And "Location Name ", e.g. if you have two offices in a state, Noida and Ghaziabad. So enter Noida as location name, if you are signing this document from Noida location office.
- Enter "Contact Details ", if you wish to set as a property of the file.
Note : All the above options are not mandatory but, companies use this for audit or verification purpose. These will give exact idea such as who created which document and who singed, who verified, what was the location name at the time of signing the documents and the reason of signing the document etc.